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Support the most vulnerable in your community

100% of your donation will go to your local agency.

The Catholic Charities network of agencies touches every corner of the United States, by helping struggling neighbors regain their footing and dignity, giving a hand-up to those in need, bringing comfort and relief to the most vulnerable and guiding them toward the future they deserve.

Whatever and wherever the need, Catholic Charities is there — to serve, to accompany, to lift up. Won’t you join us?

Catholic Social Services Columbus

About the Catholic Charities Nearest You

Catholic Social Services Columbus

A father holds his toddler daughter. His head is bowed as she kisses his cheek.
Since 1945, Catholic Social Services (CSS) has been a source of compassion, dignity and hope for those Christ calls us to serve throughout our community. Serving over 10,000 individuals annually, our mission is supported by dedicated volunteers who help seniors find connection, guide families towards a brighter future and assist young adults in transitioning to the workforce. Rooted in the belief that every person reflects the image of God, we journey together as neighbors, empowering individuals to shape their own futures with our unwavering support.

A Powerful Network of Hope

Every day, in every corner of the United States and its territories, Catholic Charities agencies provide comfort and relief to people in need, regardless of their faith or background. The 168 independent agencies nationwide, with their 3,900 collective locations, serve the particular needs of their communities, parishes and dioceses.

Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) is the national membership organization for these agencies. CCUSA provides trainings, convenings, intermediary funding and other resources to its member agencies and advocates on behalf of the Catholic Charities network and the people it serves.


We Are There

Catholic Charities agencies around the country serve 15 million vulnerable people each year, regardless of their faith. 

Little kid at a food pantry drinking chocolate milk and smiling

Your Community
Needs You

The ways to serve are as varied as the need. Whether you’re volunteering at your local agency, advocating on justice issues or spreading the word about the good work that Catholic Charities does, you can make the difference for a neighbor who needs a helping hand.  

Join the more than 200,000 people nationwide who give back by volunteering at a Catholic Charities agency. Contact your local agency to explore the opportunities. 

Be a voice for the most vulnerable among us. Choose a topic that matters to you and use the Catholic Charities USA Action Center to contact policymakers.  

Through conversations with friends and family and posts on your social media channels, you can play a key role in amplifying the message that wherever there are people in need, Catholic Charities is there to help. Please also consider including Catholic charities clients, staff, volunteers and donors in your prayers.

Locate one of the 168 Catholic Charities agencies.

Helping vulnerable neighbors…