What emerges from the complicated story of Detroit’s success and the relatively simple story of its failure is not that government must master economic complexity and put it in harness but rather that government must do a lot of relatively simple things well.
Following months of back-and-forth, U.S. and Chinese negotiators have again reached an agreement on a phase-one trade deal, Bloomberg reported Thursday.
Zelensky is very keen not to be ensnared in the American drama, as is Ukraine itself. Every time Zelensky opens his mouth, on the subject of America, he risks offending someone.
Having spent two decades lying about Afghanistan, the normal experts are now left to rattle to cable-news cameras, and for the most part they aren’t believed even when they tell truths about Washington. It may not be a just punishment, but it could be a fitting one.
“Makes an original and compelling case for nationalism . . . A fascinating, erudite—and much-needed—defense of a hallowed idea unfairly under current attack.” — Victor Davis Hanson