Today on the menu: the different forms the world is utilizing to battle the coronavirus, from massively stepping up respirator production to creating treatments for those with the virus.

The Five Fronts

There’s no getting around it: The news is grim, and it’s going to be grim for a while. You can choose whatever metaphor you like; I prefer to describe this as the coronavirus bombing Pearl Harbor and leaving our medical Pacific Fleet in ruins. We never sought this fight and most of us were oblivious to the threat as it gathered. Now, after suffering our first shocking losses, we know we have no choice but to fight this lethal enemy. We don’t know how long this fight is going to last. We know we are certain to suffer casualties. But we have no choice but to fight this virus with everything we’ve got; unchecked coronavirus would not destroy America, but it would inflict unbearable losses and alter it irrevocably.

Perhaps it is worth remembering Winston Churchill, May 13, ...


The War on Coronavirus Advances on Five Different Fronts

Today on the menu: the different forms the world is utilizing to battle the coronavirus, from massively stepping up respirator production to creating treatments for those with the virus.

The Five Fronts

There’s no getting around it: The news is grim, and it’s going to be grim for a while. You can choose whatever metaphor you like; I prefer to describe this as the coronavirus bombing Pearl Harbor and leaving our medical Pacific Fleet in ruins. We never sought this fight and most of us were oblivious to the threat as it gathered. Now, after suffering our first shocking losses, we know we have no choice but to fight this lethal enemy. We don’t know how long this fight is going to last. We know we are certain to suffer casualties. But we have no choice but to fight this virus with everything we’ve got; unchecked coronavirus would not destroy America, but it would inflict unbearable losses and alter it irrevocably.

Perhaps it is worth remembering Winston Churchill, May 13, ...   READ MORE



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