On the menu today: My reader who is the head of research for a top-ten hospital weighs in on how to get kids back into classrooms safely this fall, a blathering Biden comment I missed that could have gotten his Twitter account suspended, and California’s state government tries to implement an ambitious testing-and-tracing system . . . and trips over its own shoelaces.
Kids Need to Go Back to School, with Precautions
If you think you’re having a tough time getting through this pandemic, think about how the world’s children are coping. In the U.S. in about mid-March, with little warning, school and all youth activities just stopped. Everyone muddled through with “distance learning” as best they could — a tool that in normal circumstances could be a useful addition to regular in-person classes but is a poor substitute overall. All sports ended; all movie theaters closed; every indoor hangout from shopping malls to gyms is either closed or risky; summer jobs are few and far between; most summer camps are closed. Some kids are managing to get along with socially distanced play dates and Zoom hangouts . . . diverting even more of their ...