Dear Weekend Jolter,
Herewith a new way of presenting this prattle. The E-Mail Gods have frowned on the monumentality of the WJ, so, forced to improvise, we propose a new format, as follows: 1) The Blathering Author will give a short kick-off spiel, and then 2) a variety of linkage (sans excerpts — but don’t fret!) to just-NR stuff will be presented, and then 3) a READ THE WEEKEND JOLT IN ALL ITS USUAL VOLUMINOUS GLORY HERE link will await you all, or, as Joe Biden might pronounce it, y’awl, so 4) you can enjoy the excerpts and the many other goodies we try to provide here every seven days.
That said, let The Blatherer’s Blathering commence.
Our Fearless Leader, Rich Lowry, is likely not too confident that Donald Trump will win enough Electoral College votes to secure a second term, but he is confident that, should Trump prevail, it will represent Americans (enough of them anyway) bird-flipping “a gigantic rude gesture directed at the commanding heights of American culture.” Personally, Your Humble Scribbler prefers the late Justice Scalia’s iconic chin-flick, but the middle digit sends the same message. Here is a slice from Rich’s new column:
No one is voting for his barely sketched-out second-term agenda.
If he wins, it will be despite all that. An enormous factor would be that Trump is the only way for his voters to say to the cultural Left, “No, sorry, you’ve gone too far.”
Besides the occasional dissenting academic and brave business owner or ordinary citizen, Trump is, for better or worse, the foremost symbol of resistance to the overwhelming woke cultural tide that has swept along the media, academia, corporate America, Hollywood, professional sports, the big foundations, and almost everything in between.
He’s the vessel for registering opposition to everything from the 1619 Project to social media’s attempted suppression of the Hunter Biden story.
To put it in blunt terms, for many people, he’s the only middle finger available — to brandish against the people who’ve assumed they have the whip hand in American culture.
May America prove ambidextrous and use both middle fingers.
Now, get thee to a Compacted Joltery.
1. Joe Biden’s energy policy would destroy America’s energy renaissance: The editorial
2. Californians Should Vote Against Legalizing Race Discrimination. The editorials
A Basket Brimming with Halloween Treats for the Conservative Intellect
1. Former Senator Orrin Hatch calls for a Constitutional amendment to confront the threat of court-packing: Avoiding Judicial Armageddon
2. As Andrew C. McCarthy sees it, a decision-ducking and intimidated SCOTUS will allow for ballot mayhem: Rolling the Dice on Chaos, Supreme Court Ducks Election-Law Cases
3. Jack Crowe reports on the telling resignation of Glenn Greenwald from the allegedly unfettered-journalism website he founded: No Newsroom Is Safe if The Intercept Can Fall Victim to Media Groupthink
4. Kevin Williamson wonders if “offensive” cartoons are the real root cause of terrorist murders Charlie Hebdo, the Patsy
5. Kyle Smith profiles the two Joe Bidens: Joe the Chameleon
6. Tobias Hoonhout reports on the cloak-and-dagger ascendancy in cable-news punditry: How the Media Enlisted the Intel Community as Partisan Pundits
7. Jimmy Quinn profiles Matthew Pottinger, a key player in the Trump administration’s adversarial approach to Red China. Meet the Trump Official Calling Beijing’s Bluff
8. Erin Hawley profiles another pathetic cave-in to ideological groupthink: Even the Girl Scouts Abandon Justice Barrett
9. Ambassador Kelley Currie makes the case for American investment in female leadership. Women, Peace, and Security: This Is How We Win
10. Armond White zings Stevie Nicks, crooner and partisan lecturer. Stevie Nicks, Like Springtsteen, Preaches and Preens
11. More Armond: Native Son is re-released, and our critic recalls the movie’s failure to capture the book’s anti-Communism. Richard Wright’s Native Son, Re-released for the BLM Era
12. When Harry Met Sanctimony: John Loftus catches two hacks on a Zoom: A Surreal Evening with Andrew Cuomo and Billy Crystal
13. Brian Allen visits a very unique museum, about a very unique actress: Ava Gardner, Unapologetic Sexpot, Still Bewitches
14. Pradheep J. Shanker and Kirti Shanker plot out how America should plan for pandemics. Reimagining America’s Infectious-Disease Defense
15. Steven Camorota explains the President’s immigration-policy successes: There Really Has Been a “Trump Effect” on Immigration
16. Bradford Wilcox and Erik Randolph discuss how government-induced poverty has impacted marriage: The Working-Class Welfare Trap: How Policy Penalizes Marriage
The New Brilliance-Packed Issue of NR Is Off the Presses
As is the WJ custom, we seek to entice you with a handful of suggestions. This fortnight, as regards the new November 11, 2020 issue, we recommend these five. OK, six:
1. Charlie Cooke mount the ramparts: In Defense of Florida
2. Old amiga Naomi Schaefer Riley makes the case for foster-care reform: Bureaucrats Are Ripping Foster Families Apart
3. David Mamet reflects on the once-upon-a-time influence of Russian expats on American arts: Memories of Moscow: Russians in Theater & Movies ...