On the menu today: Yeah, we’re back to talking about the coronavirus pandemic, in part because we were repeatedly assured that herd immunity was imminent, and in part because we were repeatedly assured that media coverage of the virus would disappear after the election. In other news about a deep-rooted denial of reality, the president of the United States contends that voting machines changed votes for him into votes for Biden across several states.

This Pandemic Isn’t Over until We’ve Been Vaccinated

Back on September 15, as the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus approached 200,000, I wrote a piece detailing how voices both inside and outside of government had kept assuring us that the pandemic wasn’t that bad, that almost everyone was overreacting, that the threat to public health was overstated, and that herd immunity was just around the corner. I argued that wrong conclusions, driven by unrealistic optimism, had exacerbated our poor response to the virus. Some readers declared that I was “weirdly ...

WITH JIM GERAGHTY November 13 2020
WITH JIM GERAGHTY November 13 2020

COVID Isn’t Gone Yet

On the menu today: Yeah, we’re back to talking about the coronavirus pandemic, in part because we were repeatedly assured that herd immunity was imminent, and in part because we were repeatedly assured that media coverage of the virus would disappear after the election. In other news about a deep-rooted denial of reality, the president of the United States contends that voting machines changed votes for him into votes for Biden across several states.

This Pandemic Isn’t Over until We’ve Been Vaccinated

Back on September 15, as the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus approached 200,000, I wrote a piece detailing how voices both inside and outside of government had kept assuring us that the pandemic wasn’t that bad, that almost everyone was overreacting, that the threat to public health was overstated, and that herd immunity was just around the corner. I argued that wrong conclusions, driven by unrealistic optimism, had exacerbated our poor response to the virus. Some readers declared that I was “weirdly ...   READ MORE




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